

A central activity of the Association is to enable knowledge transfer through thematic conferences. Conferences focus on various topics and take place in different cities all over Germany each year.

The conferences – organized by different members each year – offer the possibility to discuss specific topics with external experts, as well as to present their own research and projects, including those independent from the conference topic.

In a casual atmosphere, during activities such as city tours and team cooking, participants can get to know each other on a personal level too.

Participants also get acquainted with the variety of Germany’s regions as the conferences are held at alternating locations all over the country.

The annual conferences are also open to non-members. DAAD / PROMOS alumni and scholarship holders may receive a travelling allowance from DAAD.

To stay informed about ANSA activities and receive the invitation to the ANSA conference, register for our mailing list here.

Member Meetings & Activities

In addition to the conferences, ANSA organizes yearly Strategy and Work Meetings that are only open to members. Here members can benefit from each other’s practical knowledge in Skills Workshops. These meetings are also the time to work on the various ANSA projects.

Working groups

ANSA Conference: Thanks to our conference working group, we all get to have awesome experiences every year as we host our famous ANSA Conferences. The beauty of this group is that it changes from year to year – so you can always expect something new at every ANSA conference. Read about our previous conferences. If you are interested in becoming part of the working group that decides on conference topics, locations, speakers and so on, please contact

ANSA Academic: This working group is responsible for planning our other educational activities outside our conference and members’ strategy and work meetings. Among those are our webinars.

ANSA Public Relations: Committed to increasing our visibility on the Internet, particularly on social media, this working group serves as a connecting element between all association’s activities. Reach out to Boineelo Moyo and Clara Hippach with any questions you may have.

ANSA Photo Group: The idea for an ANSA photo exhibition also emerged from a strategy and work meeting. ANSA currently has two photo exhibitions, that are traveling through Germany: ” Merk + würig / Note + Worthy ” and ” Happy People “. A call for pictures for a third photo competition is ongoing. You can contact the ANSA photo group at

In addition to participating in these working groups, ANSA members are also involved in a range of networking activities.

ANSA Insights (No longer in existence since 2021): The strategy meetings were the starting point for the ANSA Insights. Until 2019 the Insights have been published in the form of a magazine twice a year . Since 2020 the articles are published in the form of a blog under the categories ” What ANSAs think “, ” What ANSAs do ” and ” ANSA News and Networking “. The focus lies on the activities and research of members, covering many different countries and disciplines. Research and projects are presented short and comprehensible for people from other disciplines as well.

If you are interested in joining any of these groups, feel free to contact the ANSA Board at

Expert Database

ANSA makes the network’s expertise accessible with a public database of all its members. The search function can be used to find contacts in specific countries and topics. ANSA members are available to be contacted – i.e. for future DAAD / PROMOS scholarship holders who want to find out more about their host country in advance.

History & Funding

The first network activities were initiated by DAAD in 2009. The official founding of the association took place in November 2011. The association continues working closely with the DAAD. ANSA applies for funding from DAAD for larger projects such as conferences. All further activities are financed through membership fees, currently 9 € per member per year. As a charitable non-profit organization, donations to ANSA eV are tax deductible.


Questions regarding the association, membership, conferences, insights or other projects can be sent to: