This year, we are celebrating the ten year anniversary of ANSA. To celebrate and commemorate this event, Asangba Reginald Taluah has written the poem “Racing Time”, which you can enjoy reading here.
What ANSAs think
Ubuntu and Development: Decolonizing Epistemologies
What does Ubuntu mean and what could it help to understand? Raphael Sartorius pursues the question of what Ubuntu can teach about ‘development’ from a perspective of the global North and why ‘development’ should dare to be more Ubuntu.
How activists and social entrepreneurs alleviate the COVID-19 crisis in South Africa
Pictures © Black Bean Productions, Chris Joubert // Social entrepreneurship – food relief in South Africa In late March 2020, the South African government announced a lockdown to reduce the spread of Covid-19. This lockdown was widely praised for its resoluteness, but it had devastating social and economic effects especially in low-income communities. Many poor […]
Environmental Racism – A modern phenomenon or an old trend?
The term Environmental Racism may be recent to some, but the definition expresses a growing socio-economic problem in the climate change crisis. The definition has been the subject of various articles because of the difference in underlying philosophies. According to an approach of the United States: ‘‘Environmental racism refers to the way in which minority […]
Apropos… Austausch auf Augenhöhe
Austausch auf Augenhöhe wird derzeit in vielen Bereichen, besonders auch in der internationalen Zusammenarbeit, diskutiert und angestrebt. ANSA Mitglied Martina Osterndorff hat sich dazu Gedanken gemacht, welche sie im folgenden Beitrag für uns zusammenfasst.
Apropos…. 21st century Germany and International Scholars
Studying abroad is a trend that is valued by many students across the globe. It is believed that students, particularly from African countries and other countries of the global south, at the completion of their study abroad, return to their home countries with a greater vigour for academic pursuits and a renewed interest in lifelong […]
Perspektiven: Do you dare try the Sülze, or Leberwurst?
Zwei ANSAs, zwei verschiedene Perspektiven zu einem Thema. Dieses Mal schildern Rachel und Anna ihre Erfahrungen mit ganz besonderen deutschen Spezialitäten…
Apropos… realizing you’re – that – different
After the rigorous application process, you are thrilled to be awarded a scholarship to pursue your dreams. Congratulations! – It’s no mean feat. You’re now looking forward to the next chapter of intellectual, social, and emotional adventure. And you should, because it is going to be an exciting ride! Then you get here, and plunge […]
Perspektiven: Experiences with hospitality in Germany and Cameroon
Zwei ANSAs, zwei verschiedene Perspektiven zu einem Thema. Dieses Mal schildern Sebastian und Conrad ihre Erfahrungen mit Gastfreundschaft in Deutschland und Kamerun.