Cay Etzold, Michael Geiger, Ron Herrmann und Christoph Kohlmeyer stehen ANSA seit Kurzem mit Rat und Tat zur Seite – als Board of Adviors. Mehr Informationen zu dieser Institution und den Personen hier.
Hunger and unrest challenge the Kenyan government
At the ANSA conference 2020 in Passau, Julia Renner gave a presentation on the topic “Kenya’s Government Under Pressure: Lockdown Increases Hunger and Unrest”. Here, she summarizes the talk and reflects on her experience of sharing her work during the conference.
We Are All In This Together – ANSA Konferenz 2020
An der Geschichte teilzunehmen bedeutet auch, ihre komplexesten Momente und die damit verbundenen Herausforderungen und Schwierigkeiten selbst zu erleben. In diesem elften Jahr, in dem wir als Netzwerk zusammenkommen, organisierte ANSA e.V. in Passau eine Konferenz inmitten einer globalen Pandemie, die das Leben von uns allen beeinflusst und verändert. Eine Pandemie, die grundsätzliche Fragen aufwirft, […]
Neuer Name: ANSA e.V. wird zu ANSA e.V.
Neuer Name betont Afrika als Ganzes, ebenso wie das Miteinander von Alumni und Studierenden.
Consequences of the corona pandemic for German-Kenyan cooperation
Participant report on her talk “Consequences of the corona pandemic for German-Kenyan cooperation using the example of an NGO-supported primary care hospital in Kenya (no intensive care unit)” by Lea Decker.
ANSA Konferenz 2020 – Facebook livestream
Nimm digital an der ANSA Konferenz 2020 teil! Alle keynotes und Teilnehmer*innenvorträge werden live auf facebook gestreamt. Diese Jahr findet die ANSA-Konferenz zum Thema “Brought together or driven apart by the crisis? Ubuntu as a way forward for politics, society, and economy (in and between Africa and Europe)’’ vom 24.09 bis 27.09 2020 (3 Tage) […]
How activists and social entrepreneurs alleviate the COVID-19 crisis in South Africa
Pictures © Black Bean Productions, Chris Joubert // Social entrepreneurship – food relief in South Africa In late March 2020, the South African government announced a lockdown to reduce the spread of Covid-19. This lockdown was widely praised for its resoluteness, but it had devastating social and economic effects especially in low-income communities. Many poor […]
Call for pictures – new ANSA photo exhibition
Don’t miss your last chance to submit your pictures for the upcoming ANSA photo exhibition! We are looking forward to your interpretations of the theme “Signs of Civilisation” – show us scenes of your hometown, your daily life or your favourite places in Germany and Africa.
Environmental Racism – A modern phenomenon or an old trend?
The term Environmental Racism may be recent to some, but the definition expresses a growing socio-economic problem in the climate change crisis. The definition has been the subject of various articles because of the difference in underlying philosophies. According to an approach of the United States: ‘‘Environmental racism refers to the way in which minority […]
Bridging Gaps e.V.: Creating Awareness of Racism and Social Inequalities
In this article, ANSA member Nadine Segadlo tells us about her personal learning process regarding racism and colonial history and introduces us to the organisation “Bridging Gaps e.V.”, which has recently published a new brochure.